

20周年を迎えて盛り上がる、FREE SOULシリーズ最新作。ウルトラ・ヴァイヴからの第二弾は「ハイ・レコード」編と「アル・グリーン」編。ソウルの貴公子アル・グリーンを中心に世界にその名をとどろかせた、ハイ・レコード。各プロデューサー、ウィリー・ミッチェルの極上のスィート・ミュージック。懐かしくもあり新しい2014年のフリー・ソウルへようこそ!橋本徹 監修/歌詞/解説付/最新デジタル・リマスタリング。

1. LITTLE THINGS (P.Mitchell) Phillip Mitchell 3'05'' from the single “Little Things"(1972)
2. GOT TO FIND MY BABY (J.Gadson - V.Wills) James Gadson 2'53'' from the single “Got To Find My Baby"(1972)
3. ROOTS OF LOVE (D.Greer) Quiet Elegance 4'07'' from the single “Roots Of Love"(1977)
4. HITCHHIKE TO HEARTBREAK ROAD (P.Mitchell) Bobo Mr. Soul 3'30'' from the single “Hitchhike To Heartbreak Road"(1972)
5. OPEN YOUR HEARTS (PART 1) (Africano) Africano 2'36'' from the single “Open Your Hearts (Part 1)"(1974)
6. IF I CAN'T SEE YOU (D.Bryant - A.Peebles - D.Baskin - E.Randle) Ann Peebles 4'05'' from the album “Handwriting Is On The Wall"(1977)
7. TOO MUCH MYSTERY (B.Crucher - H.Banks - R.Jackson) Otis Clay 2'20'' from the album “I Can't Take It"(1977)
8. LOOK AT THE BOY (W.Michell - E.Randle) Jean Plum 2'31'' from the single “Look At The Boy "(1975)
9. LET'S DANCE FOR LOVE (J.Moore) Syl Johnson 4'44'' from the album “Uptown Shakedown"(1979)
10. I DON'T DO WINDOWS (G.Jackson - R.Moore) O.V. Wright 2'17'' from the album “The Bottom Line"(1978)
11. YOU'RE THE STAR OF THE SHOW (S.Johnson - J.Moore) Syl Johnson 4'35'' from the album “Uptown Shakedown"(1979)
12. WE'RE STILL TOGETHER (R.Key - E.Randle) O.V. Wright 3'43'' from the album “We're Still Together"(1979)
13. HOLDING ON TO A DYING LOVE (G.Jackson - J.Dotson - R.Townsend) Otis Clay 2'58'' from the album “Trying To Live My Life"(1972)
14. EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT (W.Mitchell) Willie Mitchell feat. Don Bryant 2'19'' from the single “Everything Is Gonna Be Alright"(1965)
15. SOMEBODY'S ON YOUR CASE (E.Randle) Ann Peebles 2'22'' from the album “Straight From The Heart"(1971)
16. POUR ON THE LOVING (E.Randle - R.Kirk) Jean Plum 3'08'' from the single “Pour On The Loving"(1978)
17. YOU BROUGHT THE SUN BACK INTO MY LIFE (D.Greer) Quiet Elegance feat. Dan Greer 3'07'' from the compilation album “The Complete Quiet Elegance On Hi Records"(1977/2001 )
18. SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME (D.Pomus - M.Shuman) Henry Shed 2'17'' from the single “Bend Me, Shape Me"(1971)
19. TAKE ME TO THE RIVER (A.Green - M.Hodges) Syl Johnson 3'01'' from the album “Total Explosion"(1975)
20. THAT AIN'T RIGHT WOMAN (unknown) Don Bryant 2'07'' from the single “That Ain't Right Woman"(1969)
21. LET'S STRAIGHTEN IT OUT (B.Latimore) O.V. Wright 3'48'' from the album “The Bottom Line"(1978)
22. HERE I GO AGAIN (W.Mitchell - E.Randle - J.Show) Jean Plum 2'26'' from the single “Here I Go Again"(1976)
23. I'M SO THANKFUL (A.Perkins - R.Dorsey) Al Perkins 2'24'' from the single “I'm So Thankful"(1972)
24. LET THEM KNOW YOU CARE (G.Jackson) George Jackson 3'11'' from the single “Let Them Know You Care"(1973)
25. WHEN I'M IN YOUR ARMS (A.Peebles - D.Bryant - G.Anderson) Ann Peebles 3'03'' from the album “If This Is Heaven"(1977)
26. I'M AFRAID OF LOSING YOU (H.Washington - D.Carter) Quiet Elegance 2'42'' from the single “I'm Afraid Of Losing You"(1972)

■ 予約商品の発送・到着について


販売価格 2,420円(税220円)
型番 CD_VAS043